DAY 27 of PYTHON top 100 questions : from Basic to Advanced !!

DAY 27 of PYTHON top 100 questions : from Basic to Advanced !!

Write a Python program to count the number of occurrences of a given element in a given list.

def count_occurrences(lst, element_to_count):
    count = 0
    for item in lst:
        if item == element_to_count:
            count += 1
    return count

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 5, 2, 6]
element = 2
result = count_occurrences(my_list, element)
print(f"The element {element} appears {result} times in the list.")

Output :

The element 2 appears 4 times in the list.

In this program, we define a function count_occurrences that takes two arguments: lst (the list in which we want to count occurrences) and element_to_count (the element we want to count). We initialize a count variable to 0 and then iterate through the list, incrementing the count each time we find an element that matches the one we're counting. Finally, the function returns the count.

If you are a beginner and want to know more about Python programming, you can read my Basics of Python blogs (From part 1 to part 15).